What is an HRA?

A Health Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA) is a tax-free benefit offered to you by your employer. A notional account is established to reimburse you for out of pocket medical expenses associated with your employer’s health insurance plan. Eligible expenses typically include deductible, coinsurance and co-payments.

How do I receive reimbursement for HRA-eligible expenses?

There are two methods available for reimbursement:

  1. Group Dynamic receives eligible expenses directly from your health insurance plan and reimburses you via direct deposit or check.
  2. If a direct feed is not available, you will need to submit a claim based on the instructions contained in your HRA Overview.

In both cases, a Group Dynamic debit card may be available for pharmacy expenses.

How can I check on my account activity?

We encourage you to download our Mobile app so that you have access to your account information 24/7/365. Our secure Participant Portal is also a great resource for account information—simply Login at the top of this page. Instructions are provided on the screen if you haven’t accessed the site previously.